domingo, 30 de agosto de 2009

Wake up america

Gente, este calor de una u otra forma me afecta. No puede ser, estamos todos locos, un dia un frio de -5451423 grados, al otro dia un calor de +6563 grados, eiii pongamonos las pilas locoo, esto saben por que es todo ? por culpa nuestra, en absoluto. Por no cuidar a la Tierra. Aunque lo admito, me gusta esto del calor ajajja, pero yo pienso, ya veo que en pleno 30 d eneero frio, nonono , no podemos permitir esto, no more. Y otra cosa, tampoco voy a permitir pleno 30 de octubre con un calor de morirse, como vamos a subsistir en la escuela? Por eso, y otras cosas mas cuidemos a la tierra.

Oh, can you take care of her?
Oh, maybe you can spare her,
Several moments of your consideration,
Leading up to the final destination.

Oh, the earth is calling out,
I wanna learn what it's all about,
But, everything I read's global warming, going green.
I don't know what all this means,
But it seems to be saying.

Wake up America.
We're all in this together.
It's our home, so let's take care of it.
You know that you want to,
You know that you got to.
Wake up America.
Tomorrow becomes a new day.
And everything you do matters.
Yeah, everything you do matters,
In some way.

Stand up,
I'll try if you will.
Wake up,
It's not a fire-drill.
All she needs is a little attention,
Can you give her just a little attention?

Oh, it's easy to look away,
But it's getting harder day by day.
Everything I read's global warming, going green.
I don't know what all this means,
But it seems to be saying.

Come on.

Wake up America.
We're all in this together.
It's our home, so let's take care of it.
You know that you want to,
You know that you got to.
Wake up America.
Tomorrow becomes a new day.
And everything you do matters.
Yeah, everything you do matters.
In some way.

I know that you don't wanna hear it,
Especially coming from someone so young.
But in the back seat they wanna hear it (They want to hear it).
So come on (Turn it up).
Come on (Turn it up).
So come on (Turn it up).

Wake up America (Wake up).
We're all in this together.
It's our home so let's take care of it (It's our home).
You know that you want to,
You know that you got to.
Wake up America.
Tomorrow becomes a new day.
And everything you do matters.
Yeah everything you do matters.
In some way.

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